Sunday, November 4, 2007

Things used on this blog

The platform used is Blogger.

For the statistics I use Google Analytics, really powerfull.

The advertising is managed with Google Adsence (link on the right column).

The formating of the C# code is done on this page.

On the bottom right of the blog, you can add this site to your favorite or on multiple social bookmarking websites. You can also subscribe to the feed.
These tools are provided by Add This

Finaly some referentials;
Annuaire Webmaster, ,

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Uploading and resizing an image to Sql Server 2005

So here's the first technical post.

This code has been designed to work on a simple ASP form, but you can adapt it to work on Windows application.

First I'll start with the resizing part;

public byte[] ResizeImg(System.Drawing.Image UploadedImage, int UploadedImageWidth, int UploadedImageHeight, int DesiredWidth)
int NewWidth;
int NewHeight;

//determine if landscape or portrait
if (UploadedImageWidth >= UploadedImageHeight)
intMaxSide = UploadedImageWidth;
intMaxSide = UploadedImageHeight;

if (UploadedImageWidth > DesiredWidth)
//set new width and height
double dblCoef = DesiredWidth / (double)intMaxSide;
NewWidth = Convert.ToInt32(dblCoef * UploadedImageWidth);
NewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(dblCoef * UploadedImageHeight);
NewWidth = UploadedImageWidth;
NewHeight = UploadedImageHeight;

//create new bitmap
Bitmap bmpResized = new Bitmap(UploadedImage, NewWidth, NewHeight);

System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
bmpResized.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
byte[] blob = stream.ToArray();

return blob;

This method will resize and transform an Image to byte[] so that we can upload it on Sql Server.
The parameter DesiredWidth represents the max Width or Height (dépending if the image is landscape or portrait).

If you prefer to fix the width or height (wherever it's landscape or portrait), you simply have to replace these lines

//determine if landscape or portrait
if (UploadedImageWidth >= UploadedImageHeight)
intMaxSide = UploadedImageWidth;
intMaxSide = UploadedImageHeight;


//Fix the width
int intMaxSide = UploadedImageWidth;

//Fix the height
int intMaxSide = UploadedImageHeight;

Now on the ASP form, you add a FileUpload control and a Button.
On the Button_Click event, we'll upload the resized picture;

//Determine type and filename of uploaded image
string UploadedImageType = FileUploadPhoto.PostedFile.ContentType.ToString().ToLower();
string UploadedImageFileName = FileUploadPhoto.PostedFile.FileName;

//Create an image object from the uploaded file
System.Drawing.Image UploadedImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(FileUploadPhoto.PostedFile.InputStream);

//Determine width and height of uploaded image
int UploadedImageWidth = (int)UploadedImage.PhysicalDimension.Width;
int UploadedImageHeight = (int)UploadedImage.PhysicalDimension.Height;

byte[] image = myTools.ResizeImg(UploadedImage, UploadedImageWidth, UploadedImageHeight, 300);

//Call a stored procedure through a WebService
myService.UpdatePicture(image, FileUploadPhoto.PostedFile.ContentType, id);

If you have any questions, you know where to post ;)


Welcome all !

To be more precise about this blog, here's the topics I'll try to cover in the future posts;
ASP .NET, .NET windows applications, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, Sql Server,...
Most of the time in C# cause It's my prefered language :)

Finaly I'll post great links/stuff